KEYWORD: Foreign Influence DIGEST: Applicant was born in India. Before coming to the United States, he spent 22 years as a local employee at a United States consulate in India. He has lived in the U.S. since 2008 with his family and been a U.S citizen since 2013. He has held a position of public trust for several years as a State Department contractor. He now seeks access to classified information. The foreign influence security concerns about Applicant’s family connections to both India and Pakistan are mitigated through the overwhelming evidence of Applicant’s long service to the U.S. Government, his long and well-established family ties to the United States, and his strong, whole-person character witness evidence presented by several senior U.S. diplomats and other State Department employees. Applicant’s eligibility for access to classified information is granted. CASE NO: 19-02657.h1 DATE: 12/15/2020