KEYWORD: Drugs DIGEST: Applicant was admittedly a recreational substance abuser. He regularly purchased and used marijuana and periodically used cocaine, both controlled substances, for several years, continuing to do so until as recently as March 2021 – approximately five months ago. On several occasions in the past, he stated that he intended to continue using marijuana in the future, and stated that he would no longer use cocaine. He continued to use both substances. In addition, on two occasions in December 2017 and March 2018, he also experimented with hallucinogenic psilocybin mushrooms, also a controlled substance. There is no evidence that he ever received treatment and counseling as a result of his illegal use of controlled substances. Applicant’s actions continue to cast substantial doubt on his current reliability, trustworthiness, and good judgment. Eligibility is denied. CASE NO: 21-00509.h1 DATE: 09/007/2021